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Prof. Dr. Ihsan Ali - Principal
Everyday at the College is like a blessing with the active students and talented staff members around

The College

The College was founded by Model Town Society in 1970 and started in the building of Model Town School. After the School was nationalized in 1972, the college was shifted to a rented building.

On demand of the residents of Model Town and the college administration to have proper building for the higher education institution, the Government of the Punjab reserved a piece of land measuring over 55 Kanals for Government Model College in Model Town Extension Scheme, M-Block, Lahore. The government constructed the building of the college in 1986. This double story building comprised classrooms, science laboratories, library, administration block and playgrounds.

In November 1995, Education Department, Government of the Punjab, in recognition of the services rendered by Govt College Model Town in the field of education and considering the needs of the area upgraded the college from Intermediate to Degree. The Government also granted permission to start computer classes at Intermediate and Degree level.

In 2005, a beautiful, spacious 3-storey new building was constructed which comprises 16 rooms, 4 laboratories, conference room and offices for senior faculty. Some new buildings and more expansion plans are on the cards in the near future. During the last seven years, the college has achieved outstanding results and positions in the academic and co-curricular fields. It has turned out to be a much-disciplined institution.

In 2020, three BS programs (Mathematics, English, BBA) in affiliation with University of the Punjab, Lahore were launched as token of recognition for the input given by the faculty and the college administration. Hence in 2021, the college was renamed as Govt. Graduate College, Model Town, Lahore.

Mission Statement

To impart, create and disseminate knowledge in stimulating and conductive learning atmosphere by providing them intellectual and technological tools necessary to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Our Core Values

We have a culture that is modern, relevant, and inspires students to have a brighter future. We are determined in our approach to learning, are creative in our thinking, and bold in our ambitions.

Our Philosophy

Govt. Graduate College Model Town is imparting quality education to produce students of high quality in market oriented and traditional disciplines by creating an environment in which academic excellence can be combined with opportunity enabling individuals to meet the challenges of tomorrow and make their own future. The College is committed to be recognized as one of the best colleges of the Province, while emphasizing strong moral and ethical values.

The College Counselling Centre

The College Counselling Centre was established in 2020 to help students resolve their problems in terms of health, finances, academics and career choices. It enables the students to identify their strengths and talents and to harness their potential in the right direction. This platform is used to organize seminars, workshops and lectures to provide the students with an opportunity to interact with seasoned scholars, trainers and psychologists with the aim to groom themselves as productive, committed and motivated individuals and team players.

Quality Enhancement Cell

In the race of quality, there is no finishing line. In order to get it materialized, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) was established in January 2021 in order to promote higher standards of education and research and to make it compatible with international standards. It is a catalyst to promote public confidence in the quality of education imparted in the institution.

College Magazine / College Gazette

Thought provoking and research-based contributions are published in the college magazine, Timsal. It is published under the supervision of experienced teachers: Dr. Shakeel Aslam Baig, Sharaz Ahmad Bhatty, Dr. Safdar Naeem and Bilal Rana. Besides Timsal, College Gazette is also published which provides up-to-date information about academic and co-curricular activities of the college.

Sports Board

The College Sports Board organizes, conducts and promotes games. The Chair and the Secretary of the Sports Board may by contacted for all matters pertaining to sports and games. Students are encouraged to participate in the sports and games for their physical fitness. All the year round different sports events are organized in the college. The college also prepares students for different Inter-Collegiate, Board and University tournaments. Facilities for the following games are available in the college: Athletics, Badminton, Body Building, Basket Ball, Foot Ball, Hand Ball, Kabaddi, Table Tennis, Weight Lifting and Wrestling.

Societies Board

Co-curricular activities in college are patronized and promoted through various societies under the leadership of the Chairman Societies’ Board, Prof. Sharaz Ahmad Bhatty. Societies and clubs play a significant role by providing platforms to students to get together to learn life skills. They groom students for life beyond campus. They aim at promoting team work, selflessness, emotional stability, confidence and communication skills. The following societies and clubs are active in promoting the co-curricular activities:

Admission Rules

Students are admitted after having passed the Matriculation and, as the case may be, the Intermediate Examination. In this connection the rules of the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Lahore/University of the Punjab and Govt. of the Punjab are observed. Candidates who have passed the Senior Cambridge / O’ Level Examination are admitted in the first year class; they are required to apply for admission on the prescribed form together with academic certificates and a satisfactory character certificate from the institution last attended on their successful completion of Senior Cambridge / O’ Level Examination. They are also directed to submit the equivalence certificate issued by IBCC, Islamabad. The dates for admission to first and third year classes are advertised in the leading newspapers after the declaration of the result of examinations conducted by the Board/University. Applications for admission on the prescribed forms are accepted within due dates after verification from the gazette notification

Documents to be Submitted for Admission

Photocopies of the following documents are to be submitted by the students with the admission form when applying for admission to the college.

a) Secondary School / Intermediate Certificate

b) Character Certificate

c) Photographs with white background (Passport Size) for Intermediate student

d) CNIC of Parent /Guardian

e) Copy of B-Form (Registration of NADRA)

f) NOC for students coming from other Boards

g) Hifz-e-Quran Certificate from Hafiz-e-Quran

Important Instructions for Candidates

The Students must take into account the following instructions:

* Candidates must submit the admission form provided by the college; photocopies of the admission form will not be accepted.

* A candidate applying for more than one faculty/ category must submit separate admission form for each case.

* A candidate will not be permitted to change the group or to take back the admission form after submission.

* Selected candidates will lose their right of admission if they fail to deposit the fee and other dues within the given dates, so it is in their own interest that they must remain in touch with the college for further instructions.

* Fee will be deposited in the bank. Fee, once deposited, will not be returned.

* Hafiz-e-Quran will be given 20 marks with the condition that he must qualify the Hifz-e-Quran test and should produce Hifz-e-Quran Certificate from a registered institution. Such candidate must clearly write down category at the top of the admission form.

* It is mandatory for the candidates to appear for the interview. Absent students will lose their right of admission. All original certificates/degrees must be produced at the time of interview.

* It is the discretion of the Principal that he can cancel the admission of any candidate without assigning any reason.

Admission on Reserved and Disability Basis

Those who are desirous of seeking admission against the disabled seats need to submit the application along with regular form. Otherwise their application will not be entertained. 2% seats are reserved for physically disabled candidates, 2% seats are reserved for sports (Only for 1st Year Arts Students) & 2% reserved for Minorities according to the Government policy. They are required to enclose the certificate of disability issued by the Medical Superintendent, Services Hospital Lahore or by the Director General Health Services Punjab or Center for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled, Ferozpur Road, Lahore.

They will have to appear before the committee for interview on the notified date, failing which they will lose their right for admission.

Interview and admission schedule with dates for reserved seats will be displayed on the college notice boards. Candidates must keep in touch with college.

Leave Rules

I.C.S. /F.A/ F.Sc. / I.Com: Teachers of the subjects of Urdu and English will sanction leave for 1 to 3 days.

Sick Leave: Subject to the provision of medical certificate from a Govt. hospital.

Marriage Leave: The students must attach Invitation Card when applying for leave.

Leave for Other Reasons: Every type of leave application must reach the College Office in time. Post dated leave will not be acceptable.

Note: Leave for more than 3 days will be sanctioned by the Vice-Principal for all classes.

Attendance Rules

If a student of Intermediate fails to attend 75% lectures in any subject, his admission form will not be sent to the Lahore Board. Leave on medical or any other ground what-so-ever will not be counted towards attendance. A prior permission for grant of leave from the competent authority should be obtained on the prescribed leave application form which can be obtained from the Chemistry Lab.

Library Rules and Regulations

A student is issued one book for two weeks and if the need arises the book can be reissued. If the book is overdue, the student is fined Rs.1-daily & if the book is misplaced or lost, a new book or triple price of the book is received. The students are also provided with internet facilities. The following books are not issued to the students.

1. Reference Books                   2. Magazines and Journals                     3. Text Books

Students are issued library cards after the admission. A duplicate library card will be issued after payment of Rs. 50/-. The book issued on the lost card will be the responsibility of the student in whose name the book was issued.